There once was a night when one forgetful videotape operator almost melted down the phone network across Tuart Hill and the northern suburbs of Perth, and it was all thanks to something that had become somewhat of a household institution.

It still happens today, but I suspect this nightly tradition has lost the power of earlier years thanks to the dramatically different TV viewing habits of Perth families. Back in the days before streaming, when Perth only enjoyed three commercial channels, plus the ABC and SBS, 7.30pm was universally recognised as the time Fat Cat went to bed.

Many years ago, when TV was still black and white, Channel Seven Perth produced its own local kids’ TV show, and Percy Penguin was the star. In 1974, when Australians could watch TV in colour, it was decided that a more brightly clad character was needed to join the Children’s Channel Seven crew – that was how Fat Cat came to be.

Now, nothing against the Yellow Cat and his red overalls (of course, we won’t say anything about the now politically questionable phrase “fat”), but…seriously, how could a large version of a fluffy toy, with no ability to even say a word, turn out to have more influence than the Prime Minister? At least when it came to getting Perth kids to bed on time.

So, back to the story. The tradition, as some of you might recall, was a 30-second pre-recorded segment in which Fat Cat would appear in his pyjamas and be gently tucked into his bed, placing his padded paws over his eyes (because of cause his eyes were plastic and permanently open), but the critical thing was that it always occurred at 7.30pm, every night.

On this fateful occasion however, when programs were literally threaded onto giant tape machines, someone forgot to load up the “Fat Cat goes to bed” segment. Across Perth, kids went on strike. There was an unwritten social contract between a significant number of parents and their children (generally under the age of five) that bedtime in Perth was when Fat Cat headed off for the night. So, when Fat Cat failed to appear at the usual time in his pyjamas, there was hell to pay!

The Channel Seven switchboard melted down (as did the nearest Telstra telephone exchange) as literally hundreds, if not thousands, of parents rang to complain that young Timmy was entrenched on the lounge room floor, resolutely refusing to go to bed. Eventually, someone managed to alert the presentation manager who controlled the video playback system of this disastrous situation, and, at the very next opportunity, the tape was played, and calm once again descended across Perth.

I had 14 years as an employee at Channel Seven, and I often marvelled at the power of the person who donned the Fat Catsuit and headed out to be mobbed at some station promotion.

I can remember sitting around the boardroom table back in the 90s, having a spirited debate among Executives about whether the time had come to give Fat Cat a voice, as in the ability to speak. I think, from memory, we tried out a few but without success. I am so glad we failed because the fact is that Fat Cat didn’t need to speak…his hand expressions, the nodding head and the odd dance move were all he needed to win the hearts of his many fans.

In the mid-seventies, when “The Cat” made his first appearance, I am not sure anyone would have known that he would arguably go on to become our most powerful brand symbol. The marketing formula was powerful, almost beyond measure: One large fluffy cat = happy kids x happy parents = brand appeal.

My point in all of this is that brand is all about emotional connection and building heartfelt relationships – often, it has absolutely nothing to do with intellect or overly sophisticated thinking. Fat Cat was never fancy…but he didn’t need to be! He didn’t need to talk, he didn’t need to be some “hi-tech” mechatronic marvel – he just needed to be, well…Fat Cat – soft, cuddly and most importantly – loveable. Because great brands are about what you love more than anything else.

For more insights and ramblings on strategic business communications and marketing from JLCA Director John Le Cras, visit the JLCA Journal page.

John Le Cras

John has 40+ years experience in journalism, public relations, marketing and as a corporate adviser to dozens of companies and organisations. Starting work as a newspaper reporter in 1982, John worked at the ABC as a radio and TV reporter before moving to the Seven Network where he worked as a reporter, senior producer and ended his career in the media as Director of News and Current Affairs with editorial management of Seven News and Today Tonight.

John then worked in corporate affairs for one of Australia’s biggest health insurance companies, HBF and later as its General Manager of Marketing & Communications. During that time John initiated the HBF Run for a Reason and oversaw the rebranding of the organisation. John also served as Director of Marketing & Corporate Communications at Murdoch University where he relaunched its brand. Since establishing JLCA ten years ago, he has provided advice to dozens of clients across companies operating in almost every sector of the economy, including government agencies and the not–for–profit sector.

John’s passion is marketing and communications strategy and he enjoys the privilege of applying his experience and knowledge built up over 40 years to help clients achieve their corporate objectives, large and small.


